4 Columbia volunteers distribute 180 Mobility Carts in 2 days in Kenya

Aug 07 2018

Maker of the Mobility Cart since 1994.
MO-Columbia update 8/7/18
1,137 Mobility Carts built in 2018

Check out the new Videos page on our website.

In April, four of us from Columbia (Barbara, myself, Elsie, and Sandy) went to Kenya for a Mobility Cart distribution. We worked with the Kenya Relief organization and had the wonderful help of two faculty and five physical therapy students from Alabama, as well as two women from Arkansas. We distributed 180 carts over two days in the western village of Migori.

The picture shows how some people got their carts home. These carts are so important to the recipients that they came from as far away as 500 miles to receive them; people came from Uganda and Tanzania; even the First Lady of Kenya, Margaret Kenyatta, was there to highlight this event. People are willing to put in a lot of effort due to the hope and the joy of being lifted off the ground. All of you volunteers & donors at Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia make things like this possible.

Jeff Moran, Shop Volunteer

(If you’d like to hear more from Jeff, go to https://giftofmobility.org/ and watch the video on the home page. He is featured in our main video while he was in Kenya last year.)