GVF: demonstrating Mobility Carts to government in Bali

From Global Village Foundation – Bali:

The team today visiting the Government Department of Social Services (Dinas Sosial Buleleng) in Singaraja North Bali, to demonstrate to the Government staff members there, the capabilities, & specifications of the MOBILITY WORLDWIDE(USA) Mobility Cart, and the WHEELCHAIRS FOR KIDS(Australia) Children’s wheelchair, both of which are distributed FREE OF CHARGE throughout Bali to disabled people in need, by the Global Village Foundation. One model of each wheelchair type will remain on display at the Government offices for the next few weeks to raise awareness with the visiting public, and visiting Government officials, that wheelchairs, Mobility Carts, and Mobility Aids, are available to the poor & disabled (free of charge) through the Global Village Foundation.

As always, a pleasure to be collaborating with the very caring team at Dinas Sosial Buleleng.