AlphaPET Book
Our director emeritus and co-founder of Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia has written a book to help tell the story of the Mobility Cart and those who need this rugged mobility device. The net proceeds will build and ship more carts: large & small crank and pull versions. “The AlphaPET Book,” is off the press. It is written for both children and adults, with lots of color photos and stories.
It is informative, educational, and will be highly useful for children’s sermons, vacation church school, and general reading. Each letter of the alphabet has a page for adults and a brief wording & picture page for younger children. It will make an excellent gift book.
Post paid, the books are $16.00 for one, $14.00 each for two or more.
Stop in at the office, and they are $13.00.
Make checks to Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia and write “Alpha book” in the memo line.
Order from Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia, 1908 Heriford, Columbia, MO 65202