
Write to us for a DVD of some of these videos. Or you can simply share our mission story by opening the YouTube link and show each video wherever you are.

Malawi Woman Tells Her Story

Kenya/Kennedy (Boy)

Ken, 19-year-old mechanic in Kenya

Kenyan Man with One Leg (Sponsored by The Crossing Kids)

Kenyan Man (Sponsored by Commerce Bank)

Kenyan Man on Knees (Sponsored by Sound Performance)

Kenya/Modified Cart

Kenya/MU Students

We Need to Make the World Mobile! 2017

“All the Good You Can Do” Mel West, Founder’s Story

Kenya/Alex 8-year boy (Sponsored by MayeCreate Design)

Kenya/Julius man (Sponsored by MR Installation)

Kenya/Peter 40-year man (Sponsored by Columbia Downton Rotary)

Noe in Honduras on Mobility Cart

Margaret Carlson, Kenya PFC Work Team