Americares: Mobility Carts for prisoners re-entering society in Zambia

May 26 2021

When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?

Americares has partnered with Prison Fellowship Zambia since 2019. Prison Fellowship Zambia is Zambia’s foremost prisoner rehabilitation organization working in 47 correctional facilities, in partnership with the Zambia Correctional Service and Ministry of Health. In 32 of these prisons, Prison Fellowship Zambia works with a variety of international organizations to implement HIV/AIDS treatment programs and/or provide high-quality and free medical and MPHSS services to prisoners.

Through these medical interventions, up to 5,000 patients receive care each month for a variety of illnesses including skin diseases, malaria, diarrhea, respiratory infections, and sexually transmitted infections. Prison Fellowship distributes Americares products to 32 prisons/correctional facilities, 23 of which also provide basic medical care to the surrounding communities. PFZ also distributes Americares products to three other local health-focused NGOs, three hospitals, and six public access clinics, for a total of 44 sub-recipients. 

In November of 2020, Americares sent an ongoing sea shipment of special medical supplies and medicines to Prison Fellowship in Zambia. The contents of the shipment were valued at $ 798,819.67 USD.

PFZ was very grateful to Americares and their donors for all the life-changing medical supplies that shipment included, especially for the substantial volume of specially requested Mobility Carts from MOBILITY-WORLDWIDE. 118 pedal carts were sub-distributed to local health-focused NGOs and communities’ health centers by PFZ in an effort to bring mobility and dignity to disabled populations in Zambia.
Providing the gift of mobility to disabled children and adults will play an important role in empowering them to have control and ownership over their lives; beneficiaries will be able to receive an education, get a job, interact with others, and participate in activities and to experience life more fully.
The relief and joy that these donations brought for PFZ beneficiaries during the distributions was extremely rewarding and heartwarming.

“We are humbled for the donation of pedal carts and many other items from your Foundation. You have made movements easy for our beneficiaries. I have just handed over one pedal cart to Mapalo, who was born without legs. What a joy in him…I have just handed another pedal cart to Alice Musonda. She is disabled with a tiny thigh. She is not able to walk unless she is supported. Her movements have been made easy after receiving a pedal cart. Many thanks to Americares”

-Teddy Mweetwa, Executive Director, Prison Fellowship Zambia

The PFZ team extends their sincere gratitude to Americares and Mobility Worldwide for these specially-requested donations and hopes that pedal Mobility Carts will continue to be made available in the future.