BSPI distributes 8 more Gifts of Mobility Carts in Ecuador
From Benemérita Sociedad Protectora de la Infancia 1 & 2:
Facebook Translate: Thanks to MedShare, MobilityWide and the Benemérita Childhood Protective Society / Le ónn Becerra Hospital of Guayaquil, 3 pets were delivered to people with reduced mobility through Dr. H.C. Ricardo Koenig in Whallenita / Santa Helena Canton.
Facebook Translate: 5 pets were donated to people with reduced lower member mobility thanks to MedShare, MobilityWide and the Benemérite Childhood Protective Society / Le ónn Becerra Hospital via Dr. H.C. Ricardo Koenig in the Marcelino Maridue ñaa canton. Our duty is to serve the community, we hope our beneficiaries enjoy the opportunity to have a better lifestyle.