GVF: Pak joyfully receives Gift of Mobility Cart
From Global Village Foundation – Bali:
Pak Ketut is 75 yrs old. He lives with his wife, & has been a farmer for most of his life. They are supported by their son, and his family.
In 2012 Pak Ketut suffered a minor stroke, which slowed him down for a while, but from which he made an almost full recovery. However in 2015 he had a fall, and has struggled to walk since. But it didn’t stop him. Physically he is still remarkably strong for his age. He can move around slowly, using a fairly heavy stick as a support.
He was really happy to receive his new Mobility Cart. as he can now travel throughout the whole village again, visiting old friends he hasn’t seen for 5 years.
Life has been really tough for them since the start of Covid-19, and they were most grateful to receive a new Water Filter also, and a GVF Food Aid parcel.
Grateful thanks to Mobility Worldwide, to Schoonwater Projecten Indonesie for the water filter, & to our own very kind donors that we are able to support Pak Ketut & his wife with future Food Aid for the duration of this crisis.