MH4H: 2 Mobility Carts change more lives in Haiti

Oct 22 2021

From Two Sides of the Same Mobility Cart:

by Magen Andrasko | Oct 20, 2021
There are always two sides to a story. At Many Hands, we get the unique privilege of seeing both sides of this story and being able to carry on the narrative.

A routine day like this for some can produce a changed life miles away. Many Hands staff Christi Gabhart shared two different stories of recipients of Mobility Carts.

On March 23 there was a truck accident that would forever change Josiè’s life. Josiè’s wife described to Christi how God saved her husband’s life. Josie’s wife explained that when he arrived at the hospital following the accident he had lost so much blood she said he should have died. Finding blood in an emergency in Haiti is not an easy thing, but God provided.

Josiè spent the next two months in the Pignon hospital. He was dismissed last week. This week he received his Mobility Cart. The entire family expressed so much gratitude that their husband/father is strong and healthy. And now he has a huge advantage of mobility with his new Mobility Cart.

Below is another Mobility Cart recipient. This father explained how much his mobility cart meant to himself and his family. It provides a form of transportation to take his three children to school each day. He emphasized many times how important the cart was and explained how much he appreciated it.

The joy that these Mobility Carts bring whether it is in Leighton, IA, or in Haiti is unmistakable. The workers in Leighton love what they do and are thrilled that what they do helps people directly all over the world. The people receiving the Mobility carts are optimistic and grateful because the carts can provide a whole new world of opportunities.

No matter what side of the Mobility Cart you look at, you will find people of God, whose lives are a bit brighter because of some assembled wood, screws, support bars, and three wheels.