PFC honors Mel West and Mobility Worldwide

Dec 23 2022

Johnson, a little boy who lives in very rural Kenya, was attacked by a bull and injured his leg. As a result, the he was using a stick to move around. Due to a lack of access to healthcare, his leg became gangrene. Fortunately, a good Samaritan found Johnson and took him to a hospital where his injured leg was amputated.

A kind donor gifted the funds to get Johnson a Mobility Cart. Mary Wangui, Partners For Care (PFC) Mobility Cart manager, organized the necessary actions to have a mobility cart shipped to Peter Cheya, PFC Kilifi Director. Peter drove four hours on dirt roads to take Johnson his Mobility Cart.

Johnson on Mobility Cart

Helping little children like Johnson is why thousands of volunteers show up every day at the 22 Mobility Worldwide shops across the world to assemble these Mobility Carts by hand. Mel West, founder of Mobility Worldwide, now age 98, has a vision that all persons in need would have the Gift of Mobility.

We honor Mel and all the Mobility Worldwide volunteers and wish them a blessed and safe Christmas. We are blessed to partner with them to help little boys like Johnson.

Connie Cheren

Connie E. Cheren, RN, MSW
Founder & President
Partners for Care

Name: Johnson
Country: Kenya
Disability: animal injury
Partner: Partners for Care