Our Goal
Build and ship 4,000 Mobility Carts per year (77 carts per week) by the end of 2027.
Volunteer to Meet a Growing Demand
To make this happen, we need more volunteers. As of 2024, we are building 40 to 50 Mobility Carts per week. As our donations and manpower increase, we build and ship more carts. There are orders from our Distribution Partners waiting to be filled.
First, we suggest a tour (20 to 30 minutes) during our open hours of M – F 8 am to 3 pm except holidays. Drop in or call ahead. We can compare your interests and skills to our needs. Below is a video showing volunteers who work at our production shop and others who work offsite making parts. We call them Parts Makers.
Contact UsPeople With Purpose
Volunteer Operations and Training Process
Below are some examples of tasks. We provide training. For the shop, we use a VKS software package which links to iPads showing step by step instructions. Once you are initially trained, you use the iPads on your return visits to guide your volunteer work. Usually, volunteers do a specific task each week. We have some that are cross trained and fill in as needed. Office volunteers cover a morning or afternoon shift each week.

Cart Assembly Stations

Metal Shop Station

Welding Shop

Front End Assembly

Front End Assembly

Office volunteers greet visitors, give tours, answer the phone and do light office work.